Prof. Mina Weinstein-Evron
Fields of interest: Prehistory, Pollen
Email: evron@research.haifa.ac.il
Room: The Zinman Institute of Archaeology
Prof. Alexander Tsatskin
Fields of interest: Archaeogeology
Email: tsatskin@research.haifa.ac.il
Personal website
Prof. Dani Nadel
Fields of interest: Prehistory, Late Pleistocene hunter-gatherers, the first Neolithic settlements in the Southern Levant, lithic technology, flint quarries and extraction sites, Prehistoric burial customs, game traps in the desert (desert kites), 3D modelling of bedrock features
Tel: 972-4-8288229
Internal: 8229
Email: dnadel@research.haifa.ac.il
Room: Institute of Archaeology, Multipurpose Building, Room 11
Personal website
Prof. Ronny Reich
Fields of interest: Classical Archaeology, Jerusalem
Email: ronny@research.haifa.ac.il
Personal website
Prof. Arthur Segal
Fields of interest: Classical Archaeology, Urban Planning in the Classical World,
Monumental Building in the Roman World
Email: asegal@research.haifa.ac.il
Personal website
Prof. Michal Artzy
Fields of interest: Biblical Archaeology
Email: martzy@research.haifa.ac.il
Room: Multipurpose Building
Personal Website
Prof. Rachel Hachlili †
Fields of interest: Classical Archaeology, Synagogues and Jewish symbols
Personal Website
Prof. Daniel Kaufman
Fields of interest: Prehistory, Human Evolution.
Email: dkaufman@research.haifa.ac.il
Personal Website
Prof. Avraham Ronen †
Fields of interest: Prehistory, Human Evolution.
Personal Website